I think we have been conditioned to go to school, get a job, get married, have kids and buy a house. Work your entire life to pay for that house in a good safe job that pays you enough to keep you there. I completely understand that sometimes life happens and maybe you feel you are doing what you have to do which I get. I want you to know that there’s always another way. The problem is most people don’t believe they are worthy and entitled to a better life. You deserve to live your best life whatever that may mean to you! It is your birth right!I refuse to think that is it. I refuse to die while being alive. I want to live fully and I want to live with purpose. I know I am capable of so much more and I owe it to myself to make the best out of the only life I get! Because why not?
In our society it’s frowned upon to fail. It’s frowned upon to go into a different career and discover it’s not something you want to do and proceed to try something totally different! Like going from being a doctor to becoming a yoga teacher. I can’t believe this absurdity (if that’s a word) is normalized !!!!! What !!! You should definitely be trying different careers and jobs and things to know what you actually like and what you don’t! Just the way you wouldn’t marry the first person and you date to find “the one”. Just the way you stop dating someone if it is no longer working out you should be able to walk away from jobs or careers that no longer interest you!! I genuinely believe that in life you should be doing what you love for a living! Why is that not the standard?? Why is that not taught in schools?
Obviously this is not the case for everyone, I have met people that work in an office cubical and are content about it. They appreciate having a stable paycheck and being able to just cruise through the work day by clocking in and out when they have to.
I’m referring to those that are trying to convince themselves to stay at a job they hate because of their benefits. Or because they just need to continue paying their bills(which is valid). They know they have other hobbies/talents that can maybe contribute to society in a positive way. They know they are capable of so much more. They know how alive they feel while doing this said hobby/talent/skill. If you know what makes you feel alive I say run after it like there’s no tomorrow! DO it please, you owe it to the world. You never know who may be in need for that skill you have or that book you haven’t written!
For those who know you are capable of more but don’t know what your passion is, it’s time to find it! Give yourself grace and permission to try new things, you may be interested in. Only by trying it will you determine if it’s for you or not. If there’s anything that you feel called to, for some reason, or keeps coming up, try it! Get out of your comfort zone get out there try and do things you haven’t before. Become confident by getting in the habit of trying new things and taking risks. Only then will you discover more about yourself and your values. Join a group, take a class, meet people that are already doing it. Learn something new, challenge yourself with a goal you have to work towards. Have fun finding things you didn’t even know you would enjoy or maybe even things you forgot you enjoy so much.
This is your reminder that life is supposed to be fun and joyous everyday. Not just on the weekends or when you retire. Find what makes your soul dance. Find what you love. Re-discover yourself and enjoy the process. Have grace and an open mind. Know that it is more than ok to fail and start over anytime. As many times as needed. This is your story, this is your life. What would you like to create? How would you like your story to go? What would you feel proud of accomplishing in a genuine way? If you could not fail what would you do?
With All my Love, Xo